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Ramadan Mubarak

Happy Ramadan! Food is a wonderful way to bring together family. This year, whether you’re celebrating together in person or virtually due to the pandemic, here are some recipe ideas for your family to share as you break your fast at iftar or plan ahead to Eid. Haleem is a slow-cooked stew and a staple dish in the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and Central Asia. If you have an Instant Pot, this recipe is easy and tasty! Yakhni Pulao is a signature

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Ramadan Mubarak

Happy Ramadan! Food is a wonderful way to bring together family. This year, whether you’re celebrating together in person or virtually due to the pandemic, here are some recipe ideas for your family to share as you break your fast at iftar or plan ahead to Eid. Haleem is a slow-cooked stew and a staple dish in the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and Central Asia. If you have an Instant Pot, this recipe is easy and tasty! Yakhni Pulao is a signature

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