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City of SeaTac logo

The Imagine Institute and City of SeaTac are working together to support families by increasing access to licensed child care.

Start your own

family home child care business

IN SeaTac, WA


Imagine U is a 10-month business mentorship program that provides:

  • Education. Receive the tools, training, and resources to become a licensed family child care provider in 10 months.
  • Experience. Paid on-the-job training.
  • Community. Be part of a professional early learning community.
  • Compensation. Get paid while working with a licensed child care provider mentor.
  • Award. Receive a $4,000 grant award to invest in your new program.
Now Accepting Applications


Imagine U is a relationship-based mentorship program designed to increase the number of licensed family child care providers who can care for children in Washington State. Imagine U pairs experienced and talented licensed child care providers with those interested in becoming licensed, and offers both the mentor and intern supports to help them grow professionally. This peer-to-peer model honors the knowledge and skill that exists in the field and helps ensure that new providers are able to benefit from their mentor’s expertise.

Become a Licensed Family Child Care Provider!

Interested in opening your own business and caring for children in your community? Become a licensed family child care provider with the Imagine Institute! We will match you with an experienced licensed Family Child Care provider who will guide you through the process of becoming licensed.

“Without your support, I would not have been able to achieve what I have achieved thus far. I have a great team in this new stage of my life, and it fulfills me to be able to improve my work and the quality of care for the kids. And at the same time, continuing learning and teaching myself to be more professional, to be able to speak with my families with more professionalism. And it’s thanks to this great support group. Thanks for believing in me and giving us the opportunity to acquire more education and have a more prosperous future.”

Become a State-Approved Trainer

Help train the next generation of licensed family child care providers with Imagine U! Participants will:

  • Study Relationship-Based Professional Development in a specialized course developed in partnership with North Seattle College
  • Apply their new knowledge to their peers in the field
  • Receive training on business practices, FCCERS, and other important topics
  • Receive FREE tuition, STARS hours, and generous stipends and awards.