
Black History Month: Lois Martin

In celebration of Black History Month, each week the Imagine Institute recognizes and honors Black achievements in the education field.
This week, Imagine celebrates our very own Lois Martin, Imagine’s Curriculum Committee Member.

Lois A. Martin

Lois A. Martin’s career in early learning spans 30 years. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Business Administration from Oakwood College, a Historically Black College in Huntsville, AL. She received her Master of Arts in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena, CA. Originally from Washington State, her work has taken Lois throughout the East Coast and southern United States, beginning with a position at IBM’s New York corporate headquarters.

Lois returned to her hometown of Seattle where she discovered her passion for education while volunteering at Community Day Center for Children, Inc. (CDCC) – an early learning center founded in 1963 by her mother, Lula A. Martin. After serving in various roles, today Lois continues her mother’s legacy to ensure CDCC remains a place “Where the Whole Child Grows” in her role of President/Director.

In keeping with the CDCC mission of empowering children with positive skills that will help them become capable adults, Lois believes in the necessity of bolstering children’s development. Lois supports educators at CDCC in their efforts to allow each child the opportunity to explore the surrounding world at his or her own pace. Each student’s individual interests are used to aid them in reaching cognitive milestones.

In addition to being hands-on at CDCC, Lois donates her time to civic and early learning policy issues. She is legendary for her support, knowledge, and skills which she has put to good use on more than 40 (and counting!) workgroups and organizations where she has served.

Lois currently serves as Co-Chair of the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC), as a board member for Washington Childcare Centers Association and Child Care Aware among others, and is the Founding Member of the Cultivating the Genius of Black Children Taskforce.

Lois continues to volunteer in her local community, and on the frontlines to safeguard equitable outcomes for all members. She was instrumental in lobbying Seattle City Councilmembers and spearheading outreach to other local groups to ensure passage of initiatives that directly benefit local children, including the Central Area Urban Design Framework. These achievements are the foundation for making certain the Seattle Central Area neighborhood continues to be a welcoming place, honoring the historical contribution of its African American members.

Lois also serves on the Imagine Institute’s Curriculum Committee and has leant her experience to the founding of Imagine’s PREPARE program. We salute her achievements and thank Lois for contributions to Imagine and the children we together serve.